Today we celebrate everyone who identifies as a woman!
You are strong!
You are beautiful!
You are capable!
You are unstoppable!
The world is a better place because you are in it.
The courage that exists in this world because of women is balanced in perfect harmony with amazing tenderness that saves our world every day. Happy Woman’s Day to our mothers, daughters, sisters, friends, clients, and complete strangers. Our world would be nothing without women.
We are also thrilled to announce the winner of our giveaway! (Drum roll please…)
After over 1300+ contestants and 33K entries, we are so happy to congratulate “sterfri87”!!! (This name is from their email address.)
They shared 118 times so they clearly were excited to win and we’re excited to see what shoes you will pick! We will contact you by email to arrange sending you the shoes of your choice.